Would your church like to join the GDAB in its mission?


Becoming a part of the Greater Dayton Association of Baptists is serious but simple. Any interested church may apply to affiliate with the association at any time.

If you have any questions about becoming a member, you can contact our Associational Missionary at missionary@gdab.org or call our office at 937-233-3999.


The Process

  1. Please fill out an application & petitionary letter and email it to info@gdab.org or send it to 2050 Brandt Pike, Dayton, OH 45404.

  2. Also supply the requested supplemental documentation (church statement of faith, covenant, and constitution, or other pertinent organizational documents).

  3. You should also review and accept the GDAB’s mission & vision, the statement of faith (Baptist Faith & Message 2000), and other pertinent matters addressed in our constitution.

    The Credentials and Constitution Committee will review all application and related materials, and the Executive Board, made up of the pastors from all current member churches, will vote at the next annual meeting (Second Tuesday in October) to admit the new church.


Responsibilities of all GDAB members

  • Contribute Regularly to the General Budget

  • Submit a church letter to the Association annually

  • Serve an active role as a voting participant at meetings

Benefits of GDAB Membership